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Oakland Zoo
Nine members of MAX SF enjoyed a glorious, sunny day - not too hot, not too cold - at the beautiful Oakland Zoo on Saturday, Aug. 10. Each person circled up and shared their favorite "take away." Some especially enjoyed the monkeys, others the elephant playing in the water and using his trunk to grab chunks of apple to eat, others the bears (including a ferocious grizzly bear) or the lions or the condors and bald eagles. The zoo is nestled amid the Oakland hills and features a lower section, and an upper section that is accessed via a tram. Views of the entire Bay Area from the top are spectacular. We also enjoyed lunch at the restaurant at the top of the tram. The zoo was packed with families and children - totally sold out, unless you bought tickets in advance, as we had - but even so, we had plenty of room to wander together as a group, chat and get to know one another, and enjoy the wonderful day!