Max-ers! Enjoy an afternoon with the Giants at their Pride celebration game at Oracle Park. Enjoy performances and pregame festivities. Plus special Giant Pride hoodie T-shirts will be given out to the first 20,000 attendees. Game is against the Los Angeles Angels.

MAX has reserved 14 seats at $40 each ($48 non-members) in the reserved outfield section 326, rows 13 and 14. MAX dues-paying members will be given early priority for registration, but should reserve their seats ASAP. No refunds after Saturday, June 8. A waitlist will be kept once all pre-purchased seats are sold for possible cancellations. Click on the link to the left herein to register.
Optional Pre-Game lunch (11:30am): We will meet at about 11:30am to 12:30pm for lunch near Oracle Park. The restaurant likely will be Merkado, a casual Mexican restaurant located at 130 Townsend Street, approximately 2 blocks from Oracle Park. For restaurant and menu information, go to:
A payment of $10 is required to reserve your spot, which helps us arrange the correct number of seats. At the restaurant, we will return the $10 to you in cash, and everyone will pay individually for what they choose to eat or drink. Please bring cash to help settle the bill among the diners, as needed, instead of just relying on a credit card. No refunds will be allowed after June 12. There is a limit of 14 people for this lunch, but a wait list will be created for cancellations. To register for the lunch, go to:
For additional information on the game and lunch, contact event champion, Ken Cleaveland, at Go Giants!