Join event champion Bruce Cecil on Saturday, May 18, at noon for lunch in the East Bay, followed by a visit to Chabot Space and Science Center. We will meet at noon at Crepevine, a restaurant at 5600 College Ave., just a short walk from the Rockridge BART Station in Oakland. The restaurant is on the left as you walk down College Ave. in the direction of downtown Oakland. Everyone can order food individually at the counter and pay for it. They have a good selection of lunch choices. Then we will visit the science center, which stays open until 5 p.m. We can carpool from Rockridge BART, leaving some cars parked for free in the BART parking lot.
Alternatively, if you are not interested in lunch, simply meet us at the Chabot Science Center at 1:30 to 1:45pm - but coordinate first with Bruce, so he knows to meet you there at the entrance.
Included in the ticket admission is a show at the center's planetarium. Planetarium shows run every hour until 3:30 p.m. There are many other exhibits about space and astronomy; three large telescopes, open to the public; and a theater that may or may not have shows on the day that we attend, because the center has not yet finalized its theater schedule.
Cost for the Science Center is $24 for adults and $19 for seniors (age 65+). No refunds for cancellations after May 14 (because of the need to finalize restaurant reservations). Please RSVP and pay for this event at: https://maxsf.org/event-5576185
The science center is located at 10000 Skyline Blvd in Oakland within Redwood Regional Park in the Oakland Hills. It is NOT accessible by public transportation, but has free parking. The event organizer, Bruce Cecil, may be able to arrange some car pooling from the Rockridge BART Station.
If skies are clear that day, the telescopes reopen at 7:30 p.m. for free evening viewing of the planets and stars. This is a fun, memorable, unique and free nighttime activity - but the availability depends on the weather.
For questions, contact Bruce at bruce.cecil@hotmail.com.
For more information about Chabot Space and Science Center, go to: https://chabotspace.org/